Want to join The Procrastinators Club?


Do you ever feel like you want to join the Procrastinator’s Club, but never quite get around to it?


At some point in time, procrastination plagues us all, some more than others, but everyone at some point gets bitten.


Introverts have unique ways to procrastinate such as making a simple task more complicated by over-analysing, over-thinking, over-planning or even revising work just to make sure it’s perfect.


We’ve all heard the quote, “Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?” and my favourite “Procrastination is the thief of time.” For some of us, this is the only motivation we need, while others struggle with putting things off for weeks, months, or even years.


Procrastination doesn’t have to be a way of life for you; you can overcome it. With a little focus and the right attitude, coupled with some practical tips and techniques, procrastination can be a thing of the past.


Here are five strategies you can use to help you overcome procrastination:


  1. Set small goals. Many times, we feel overwhelmed with a task, so we continue to put it off until we have no choice but to complete it.


Now throw in all the new projects you’ve received while you were putting off the first project, and you have a prime situation for some serious procrastination.


Setting small, quickly achievable goals can help you avoid procrastinating in the first place so you don’t get overwhelmed. Here are some tips for setting those small goals:


  • Break your big project up into smaller steps. These steps can be completed systematically one at a time. Make sure you have well-defined end points for each smaller goal, that way you have something to keep you going.


  • Setting small goals provides a nonstop feeling of accomplishment as each small goal is achieved. With each individual success, you feel better about achieving your goal, and this motivates you to continue.


  • Giving yourself break points allows you to focus on each individual task and takes the overwhelming feeling out of the project. In addition, breaks give you a prime place to get up, move around, and refresh yourself for the next step.


  1. Avoid distractions. We all do it. We sit down to start working, but have to get back up and get a cup of tea. Then we sit back down and check email, then voicemail, and then email again just to make sure no one sent a message while we were checking the voicemail. How long did that take?


  • Try checking your email only twice a day instead of every 5 minutes. You need to have some time to focus!


  • Get everything you want, need or think you need before you sit down to start working so you can concentrate.


  1. Delegate. Start giving some of your responsibilities to others instead of hogging them for yourself and creating more stress. Introverts tend to want to keep control and so this step needs extra focus. Stress leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to tight deadlines, and tight deadlines lead to more stress; it’s a vicious cycle.


  1. Keep a list. A constant reminder of the things you absolutely need to do is a great way to avoid procrastination. A notebook or on screen post-its work wonders for list keeping.


  • Keeping a list puts your daily to-dos in front of you at all times for quick reference.


  • Prioritise three tasks you want to complete and do them first.


  • Include your small goals on your list. Get started early each day completing those small, easy goals. Doesn’t it feel great to get through your 3 priorities? Before you know it, the whole list is marked off!


  1. Turn it off. This step is particularly important for introverts to avoid getting over tired. When you’re done for the day, shut down everything work related. This is particularly important when working from home. Turn your brain off at the end of your workday. By giving your brain a break, you help avoid over exhaustion and keep your mind fresh for the next day.


  • Spend some time doing the things you love to recharge your batteries for the next day.


Pick one or two of these techniques and try them out for three weeks. Studies have shown it takes 21 days to form a habit and if you truly want to beat procrastination, you have to make productivity a habit.


When you’ve made a habit of one of these strategies, pick out another one, and before you know it, you’ll be the personification of productive!


Do you give up too easily on what you want? Would things be better if you knew the secrets to creating your own success mindset?

Contact me today for a complimentary 30-minute call and let’s explore how I can help you be the difference maker you are meant to be.

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

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