Have you ever thought about working with a coach?

If you are serious about achieving your biggest goals, working with a coach is a great way to boost your results in almost any area of professional and personal life. Having someone to build more accountability into your goals, is a wonderful way to ensure you achieve more. If you are wondering if working with a coach could help you, here are nine benefits to consider:


  1. Helps You Define Your Goals

Many of us have goals, but often they are loosely (or not at all) defined. A coach can help take the hopes and dreams out of your head to create concrete goals. Instead of just thinking about something, you start taking real steps towards achieving your goal.


  1. Adds More Accountability

It’s funny, but we often have a much easier time letting ourselves down than we do letting others down. Having a coach means you will feel more accountable and be more likely to achieve your goals when you know someone will ask you about your progress.


  1. Encourages You to Define Your Values

Do you know what you stand for? Maybe a better question is, do you know your core values? Regardless of the question, if you struggle with the answer, then a coach can help you. A coach can’t tell you your values, but they can ask you questions that will help you define them yourself.


  1. Helps You See Yourself More Clearly

A good coach will help you become more self-aware. This self-awareness will allow you to be more honest with yourself. You will know what you are good at and what you aren’t so good at doing. Self-awareness allows you to double down on your strengths while figuring out how to deal with your weaknesses.


  1. Assists Skill Building and Development

The most obvious benefit of a coach is their ability to help us build specific skills and develop our confidence. For example, if you are interested in progressing your career and maximising your abilities to become a better leader, it makes sense to work with a leadership coach who has been there and done that. You get to learn from both their experiences and their mistakes.


  1. Offers a Safe Space to Talk

Many people think having a coach is a luxury. But it isn’t. It’s a necessity. Especially if you are trying to make any kind of positive change. Having a coach gives you a safe space where you can talk about the issues you face without judgement.


  1. Encourages You To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone got its name from being comfortable. Once you are in it, it can seem scary to venture out. A good coach will coax and challenge you to step into your stretch zone making it easier to create positive change. They can be a trusted co-pilot who can offer fresh ideas, help you avoid deadening your own creativity, and give you the extra push you need to break through roadblocks.


  1. Offers a Different Viewpoint

When you have a coach, you have someone else to bounce ideas off of. It is so easy to get caught up in your tunnel vision that you might not even consider differing opinions. A coach encourages you to consider different viewpoints and opinions. This helps you become a more well-rounded leader.


  1. Helps You Make Tough Decisions

Almost every decision you make professionally and personally can be made easier by having an objective third party involved. This is especially true when it comes to making important / tough decisions. A good coach provides that kind of assistance.




  1. Take some time to think about the different areas of your professional and / or personal life that could use a boost. Write these down in a list.


  1. Carefully consider the list from step 1 to figure out if a coach, mentor, or teacher could help you in any of these areas.


  1. Choose the area that could most use a coach, and start researching coaching options. If you find a fit right for you, take a chance and reach out.


If you’d like to accelerate your learning by gaining the techniques you need to be a better leader, click here to arrange a chat.



Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash





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